indonesia, living with the forestLiving with the forest, off the forest, for the forest. Communities in Halimun Salak, Indonesia, are surrounded by tropical mountain forests, three hours of bumpy road away from the main village. Having lived there for generations, when the national park was created they were *allowed* to keep living off the land (mainly subsistence farming, paddy fields and small fish ponds). At the same time they were encouraged not to encroach the forest, and rather conserve it for non-timber forest products extraction and eco-tourism projects run by communities themselves. This is a short story about a small community, the kind beings I’ve met, the magic environment they live in and help protect, and the challenges they face. The day we’ll understand it’s our collective duty to take care of the common and irreplaceable home we share, the world will be a better place. Until then, let’s cherish and reward the role communities like this one play for us all. [year: 2018] |